Love Visionary • Global Healer/Initiator • Mystic • Author
Excerpt from “The Haunt of Moon Green”:
“I feel a monologue coming on, it is a slowed down version of the rant about sex and the people of planet earth in this era. I not only have a universal lens on this. But in my speed of light life, I spend most of it helping people of all ages to open up about their sexual, physical, emotional & spiritual abuse. I spend most of my life helping people be free of addictions to alcohol and all variety of drugs. I spend most of my life helping people who have been sexual predators. I have spent most of my life helping people with addictions to pornography. I find when I am still quite young that I create a sense of safety for people to share and heal. I spend most of my life helping people to listen to the sounds of their soul above all else. I spend most of my life devoted to the human race becoming more evolved into Love. I say that all as a backdrop to where I am heading.”
On 10-31-20 the second full moon of the month at 3:33am I found myself in the land between asleep and awake. I watched and listened to the conversation between Moon Green & Neil unfold for hours. Then I began to write.